In Homoeopathy we consider the ‘person’ in the disease study the personality of the patient to arrive at the similimum that best suits her to arrive at cure. This lady was suffering from psoriasis all over the body with symptoms of burning, itching with cracks; hampering her day to day activity. She tried all medications. She was very poor, working hard to support her family; she could not get a permanent job due to her illness. Applied ointments to get relief but it suppressed her symptoms for few days and they returned more strongly. People thought she suffered from a contagious disease, so refrained her from working at their place, financial crisis got worse and she wanted to commit suicide but, on seeing her children she worked on. She wondered why did she suffer? She did not harm anyone. No one in the family suffered from this dreadful disease.
When she came to us, we inquired extensively about her past and present. She was hesitant at first. After we explained that this would help us treat her she complied. She was desperate for cure. She was interested in Art and Languages. She had few good friends, liked company. She was scared of her father. After her father expired, she worked to support her family. At 16yrs age she married a handicapped man. For earning she did stitching, where she was cheated by her business partner. And desperate to earn money she worked as a maid. Then she became pregnant and noticed the first spot on her body. The doctors neglected it. It increased. She was fed up with life. She felt dejected. In spite of so many problems she always wanted cleanliness and order. Bathed with warm water.
We gave her medication for these peculiar personality traits. She recovered completely.
Abdequaem Chimthanawala