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Ayurveda line of treatment for cancer

Cancer-Ayurveda Treatment; in this special topic we will deal with cancer with special reference to Rasayana. Rasayana drugs effect direct enrichment of the nutritional quality of Rasa (the nutrient plasma) which are directly added to the pool of nutrition and in turn help in improved tissue nourishment. The art of medicine was born with the birth of first man. It had to be human body was subjected to the Strife, internal as well as external, right from the beginning ‘Avoid Pain’ have been one of the earliest pre occupations of the mankind. All the nature is subject to continuous modification. Nothing stands still. The cycles of creation, sustenance and then destruction go on as per the nature's clock. Human body is a miracle of the nature. Body is a self-maintaining, regulating, correcting wonder machine of nature. Only when some of our organs are abused due to our own folly, the disease gets a foothold. Violation of natural laws of the health is responsible for more than 90% of the diseases. “The ancient system of medicine has a theory of natural homeostasis which states that the dhatu come to normalcy automatically irrespective of any external causative factors.” This is similar to the belief has been later on attributed to Hippocrates that: "The sick body falls into play natural forces that tend to restore the disturbed equilibrium and re-establish health" All things are arranged in the body in a fashion comfortable to itself, by energy, a copy of the whole (cosmos), the small after the manner of the great and the great after the manner of the small. The Ayurvedic Canvas, vast as it was, gave pre-eminence to the stream of interactions between the world within and without the human body. The homology of the five elements in medication on the one hand and in the body constituents on the other, has profound implications in the practice of medicine.

Keywords: Ayurveda, Cancer,Cell therapy, Rasayana, Ayurvedic Cancer Treatment


Milind Kumavat

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